Dampak Kudeta Presiden Viktor Yanukovych dalam Hubungan Luar Negeri Ukraina dengan Uni Eropa


  • Fahri Ananta Said Universitas Satya Negara Indonesia
  • Partogi J. Samosir Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia


coup, foreign relations, Ukraine, European Union, Viktor Yanukovych


Under the leadership of President Viktor Yanukovych, Ukraine tent to be closer to Russia. It can be proven by his own decision to deal an agreement about selling or buying cheaper gas from Russia in April 21, 2010. The deal makes Ukraine’s foreign relations toward the European Union becomes far and inconsistent. Though Viktor Yushchenko, former Ukrainian President, had initiated a political and economic development with the European Union through an association agreement and a Deep Comprehensive Free Trade Area. Another inconsistent action of Yanukoyvch proved by his decision to not sign or follow up an association agreement in November, 21 2013. It responded with a massive protest by Ukrainian. They were angry due to Yanukovych’s action that would eliminate their dream to be a part of the European Union. Then, the parliament ousted Yanukovych from his position in February, 22 2014. The coup affected to make Ukraine’s foreign relations toward the European Union more consistent because after the coup, the new president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has agreed to sign and follow up an association agreement, so the Deep Comprehensive Free Trade Area can be implemented.



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How to Cite

Said, F. A., & Samosir, P. J. (2017). Dampak Kudeta Presiden Viktor Yanukovych dalam Hubungan Luar Negeri Ukraina dengan Uni Eropa. Jurnal International & Diplomacy Universitas Satya Negara Indonesia, 3(1), 139–166. Retrieved from https://jurnalhiusni.org/index.php/idu/article/view/179


