Reformasi Aliansi Pertahanan Amerika Serikat-Jepang-Korea Selatan Menghadapi Ancaman Nuklir Korea Utara


  • Sony Iriawan Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia


defense alliance, United States, Japan, South Korea, hegemonic stability, nuclear weapon, North Korea


The phenomenon of North Korea’s nuclear weapons test poses a threat to security stability. The dynamics of the issue become more complex when China is also concerned about the issue through strategic partnership with North Korea in various fields such as economy, military, and energy. The proxy war strategy through China’s involvement in North Korea’s nuclear development has at least succeeded in posing a threat to the stability of United States hegemony in the region. That reality has encouraged the reform of the United States defense cooperation paradigm through the mechanism of a trilateral defense alliance with Japan and South Korea. The reform of the defense cooperation paradigm demands a concerted effort that not only focuses on North Korea, but also on the various factors and external environment that related to North Korea nuclear weapons issues.



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How to Cite

Iriawan, S. (2017). Reformasi Aliansi Pertahanan Amerika Serikat-Jepang-Korea Selatan Menghadapi Ancaman Nuklir Korea Utara. Jurnal International & Diplomacy Universitas Satya Negara Indonesia, 3(1), 101–120. Retrieved from


