Musik K-Pop sebagai Alat Diplomasi dalam Soft Power Korea Selatan
K-Pop, diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, soft power, South KoreaAbstract
Korean Pop (K-Pop) is one of the verbal messages through entertainment media, which is music. Initially, K-Pop was only popular in Asia, but it grew and developed all over the world. In its home country, South Korea, K-Pop is a very ordinary phenomenon and it has become a lifestyle of young people. Speaking of music, ideally the discussion is about the music or entertainment industry, but in this case the authors want to see it from the other side. Regarding soft power, the authors see K-Pop music as a South Korean tool of diplomacy because K-Pop music is now more developed and grew all over the world so it can be accepted by the world community. In its development, many cultural elements brought by K-Pop music to the world. In this research, the authors will discuss the influence of K-Pop music as South Korean tool of diplomacy to the country, where the influence is the advantage gained by the South Korean government with the development of K-Pop music today. The authors also saw that the progress of K-Pop music today can be realized because of the support of various parties, including the South Korean Government itself. Therefore, the authors want to see how the role of government and other parties in supporting the progress of K-Pop music so it can be a tool of diplomacy in South Korean soft power.
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