Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

  1. Editors will consider to publish a manuscript if it meets all the following criteria below:
  • The manuscript must be original. It has not previously been published in any form and not being considered for publication by other institutions.
  • The manuscript is written in Bahasa Indonesia or American English, with 5,000-7,000 words in total. This includes an abstract and bibliography.
  • The manuscript follows the journal’s writing templates.
  • The abstract is written in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Abstract may not exceed 200 words in total. It has five keywords.
  • The text is typed in Palatino Linotype, with 12 fonts, 1,5 lines, A4 paper size, and justify alignment
  • The title of the manuscript should not exceed 15 words.
  1. Editors will appoint reviewers to study and review the manuscripts anonymously. After the manuscripts are reviewed by reviewers, the editors will send back the manuscripts to the author for revision. The authors must follow reviewers’ recommendations and advice.
  2. Editors will give the author a maximum of three weeks to revise their manuscripts.
  3. Editors have rights to edit, modify, and correct the spelling, writing, and grammar of the published manuscripts.
  4. Editors advise authors to use the Turnitin or similar plagiarism check to check the originality before sending the manuscripts to the editorial board.
  5. Editors do not charge any submission fee, processing fee, and publication fee for this journal.


Document Structure

The submitted manuscripts comprise:

1. Title

The title should be clear and concise.

2. Name of the author

The name of the author is written without any academic degree and the author’s institution. If the manuscript is written by a team, the editor will contact the main author only or the first person mentioned. Therefore, the main author must write his or her email address.

3. Abstract and Keywords

Written in English and Bahasa Indonesia, the abstract has 150-200 words in total, with a maximum of five words as keywords. It must contain the aim of the research, methods, and research results.

4. Background

The author should explain the background of his or her research and the research question in the introduction section. It must include the study objective at the end of the introduction.

5. Literature Review

Literature Review contains theories, approaches, and concepts used by the author to analyze the case and answer the research question.

6. Methodology

The author should reveal the method of analysis in the methodology section. The author must explain the reasons behind the method they chose and show the readers that it fits the research question and help him or her find valid findings.  

7. Discussion

In the discussion section, the author should explain the result of his or her research with adequate data to explain and answer the research question mentioned in the introduction. The result should be written in detail.

8. Conclusion

The conclusion should contain a summary and suggestions. As such, it should not merely repeat research results and discussion. 

9. Bibliography

The bibliography section should contain all references cited in the manuscript. It should be written in American Psychological Association (APA) style and arranged from A to Z.